In class, madam Azida introduced us to computer-assisted learning or in short, CALL. I remember not learning the first time because I was in Materials and Adaptation class with Madam Ilyani Idris during diploma and she taught us this as well, but she only introduced us to the surface of it. Entering Internet Technology class, I added my knowledge to 80% on CALL.
CALL is a tool that was developed in the 1960s when computer was first discovered possible to be a helpful tool to teach and learn language. In the 1970s, computer was established as the education tool and it developed from one stage to another; behavioristic CALL, communicative CALL and integrative CALL. There are four main types of CALL namely the CALL specific software, generic software, web-based learning material and computer media communication (CMC) programs. CALL specific software
The first stage of CALL that is the behavioristic CALL has a programmed instruction which involves repetitive drill and practice. This makes computer a suitable teacher as it tirelessly repeating itself in terms of correct pronunciation.
Next is the second stage of CALL called the Communicative CALL which focuses on the usage of language in learners rather than their grammar. When this happens, they naturally use the targeted language in real life environment. On top of that, students will not be pressured to follow the exact utterance as the computer because they are free to choose their words as long as the message conveyed is clear and understood.
The communicative approach has listed three main roles of a computer to aid in teaching and learning of language; computer as a tutor, computer as a stimuli, and computer as a tool.
Last but not least, the evolution of CALL up till today will be in the last stage which is known as the Integrative CALL. It brings the real-world materials into CALL. It began with the use of CD-ROMs which is used to store media for lamguage learning. Then the development of technology produces google drive which became popular as they are intangible and could hold more hypermedia compared to CD-ROMs.
I learnt a lot about CALL today and I am assigned to do an assignment to build my own software to enhance language learning! I mean how cool is that?
Technological world is awesome!
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